Hypoxic Test

In preparation for Kilimanjaro I was lucky enough to take the hypoxic challenge test.

What is that you may ask? A hypoxic test is where you are put in a chamber where the oxygen is lowered by 25%, and my blood oxygen level was being monitored by a professional, I normally have a blood oxygen level of 98%+ but the average in there was 95% (occasionally dipping below). Now on Kilimanjaro there is 58% less oxygen so I experienced just less than half of that reduction. to see the results scroll down!

And no I am not on the toilet!
My blood oxygen levels

My results were fantastic, it went exceedingly well!

I also want to thank the medical team that did it for me.

Thank you very much for spending your time reading this if you want to support us climb Kilimanjaro please visit our gofundme page. https://www.gofundme.com/sheffield-bury-the-knives-not-lives

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